Sunday, January 8, 2012

26 Miles, 4 Days & 13,000 Feet...Just a Walk in the Park

Machu Picchu

We arrived in Cusco with many notions of what the Inca Trail would hold for us.  We would walk on the same path the Incas did and bask in the sunrise of the magical city.  Little did we know...

We left Cusco by bus at 5:00 am to Ollantaytambo, the location of the initial check-point.

Day 1 we hiked about 5 hours at a leisurely pace, stopping along the way to look at different ruins along the way.  Our first camp site was in a little town hidden in the mountains.

It was raining/sprinkling on and off for most of the trail

This kid was super cute I couldn't resist taking a picture.  Of course nothing is free in Peru, so when the I passed the ladies walking behind him they asked my for 2 soles.

This was a soccer game between 2 different villages along the Inca Trail.  The village who won got a cow :)

Day 2 was the hardest day as it was all up hill! It rained off and on throughout the day as we reached the highest point of the trek...Dead Woman's Pass at 12,300 feet.
Good morning Sunshine

Coffee in bed in the morning - not too shabby!

Our first night Dan's water leaked all over his sleeping bag - this was not fun!

We chewed on a lot of coca leaves to help with the altitude sickness - we learned that the best way to eat them was to put a little but of charcaol with them because it brings out the qualities of the leaves more.

Our guide Caesar

Taking a breather

Squatty potties - this one was one of the nice ones

Day 3 was the longest day of hiking for a total of 9 hours!  By the time we reached camp we were ready to sleep!  Unfortunately for us it rained all night and our tent was a bit leaky.

Day 4 we woke up at 4:30 and began treking by 5:00 so that we could reach the Sun Gate for sunrise.  We missed the sunrise, which no one minded because we were too exhausted to care!

 This is our group when we reached the Sun Gate and could see Macchu Picchu for the first time.

I have a thing about pretending to be sacrificed - it's just good times!

Dan, Brooke, & I left Machu Picchu early to head down to the town of Aguas Calientes where we had a nice hotel room and hot shower waiting for us!

 Aguas Calientes - the smallest and most touristy town in the world!
Later we headed to the hot springs where we soaked our weary bodies in hot mineral water until we pruned.

The next morning we returned to Machu Picchu to tour the site and hike the tallest point called Wuana Picchu.    As we began the hike up we pondered WHY we decided to do this extra hike.  But through a positive attitude and lots of motivation we made our way up to the top.  What a view!

 The big mountain is the right and the little one was the left...I think we made the wrong choice

Hmmm..which way to go?


 Indiana Dan

After Wuana Picchu and exploring Macchu Picchu for a second day, we took the bus back into Aguas Calientes, and that evening we took the train back to Cusco.

On our train ride back to Cusco there was some fun entertainment!