Saturday, October 22, 2011

Argentina with the Ramsey Brothers

AS we ventured forth into Argentina I didn't really know what to expect, other than Argentinean Spanish is difficult to understand.

Mendoza is a picturesque city known for their selections of wine & bodegas; they are called the "Napa Valley" of South America.  They also have some of the most delicious steak in the world!  We stayed there for about 4 days and we ate...ate...and ate some more!  We went to the Pre-Columbian Museum of Art and walked around the city.
The drive from Chile to Argentina

Dan acting a fool

Navigator  Extraordinaire

Next we hopped an overnight bus to Buenos Aries and have now been here for about 3 days.

So far we love it here and are constantly enamored with the city-life of one of the oldest and most unique places in South America. 

 Buenos Aries - near the city center
 Plaza de Mayo 

Main church at the Plaza 

Whit & the Brothers Ramsey 

Love this sign! 

Meeting room in the Presidential Palace  

Balcony in the Presidential Palace where presidents and first ladies make speeches from.  I was paying homage to the famous first lady Eva Peron by singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina".   Definite Nerd Alert.

Here I was demanded change and justice for the Argentinean people - just because no one was listening doesn't make it any less powerful 


Dan loved this chair! 

The awesome leather jacket that I want to buy...expensive, but you only live once!

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