Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Market

We finally got Internet and hot water in our apartment!  Just to give an idea of how things roll in Peru, when our hot water went out several days ago-our landlord installed a heater for the master shower as an interim solution. Take a look and see if you can guess what two things shouldn't go together:

If you guessed the water & electricity, then you are correct.  They say it's ok because not many people actually get shocked, but suggest that you get a rubber "grounding" mat just in case :)

So today we went to the local market here in Arequipa...

 Potatoes as far as the eye can see

 Yummy Fruits & Veggies

 Muchos pollos

Dan's Tongue VS Cow Tongue

We also had the opportunity to try a new "special Peruvian" drink.  I don't think any explanation is needed, but I will warn you that the following pictures are not for the faint of heart.  Proceed at your own risk!

 Oh, what do you have there?

The breakfast of champions

Muy romantica!

Frog shakes...bringing people together!

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