Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On the Road!

We are having a great adventure on our trek through the small towns of northern Peru!  The landscape is beautiful but is juxtaposed by the poverty that most people live in here.  While many kids go to school, the vast majority do not and they work alongside their parents to support the family.  Most people live by farming and raising livestock.  We were talking to a guy and when Dan said he was a "businessman" he assumed that he bought & sold cows since that is the primary business in many of the small towns.  Of course Dan immediately thought about starting a Cattle company while we're here!   Driving in Peru is completely crazy too, as no one follows any rules and cars just shove their way in when they can.  We actually got double passed on the highway today (as we were passing a car on a 2-lane highway another car passed us at the same time!)  As I continually wondered why people do what they do here, Carlos summed it up quite nicely:  Peru raises more questions than it answers.  Spoken from a true Peruvian!


Views from the Bus

Be Careful around the turns, Maestro!

Museo Leymebomba


Gocta Lodge - Cocachimba

Gocta Falls

Check out my awesome narration!

1 comment:

  1. Just like an episode of Rick Steves!! Looks cool guys, I am officially jealous
