Monday, August 29, 2011

We Made It

I am dead tired so this will be a short post, but I am happy to say that we finally made it to Cajamarca just in time to see Carlos & Jen's niece's baptiso :)  We left out the next morning via bus to Leimbomba where we got to see a little museum housing mummies that had been excavated from within a nearby cave, then onto a small town where we toured an ancient ruins, and now we are in Chachapopyas.  The bus ride was LONG also amazing!  The Peruvian country side is breath-taking and we got to see the changes in landscape as we traveled to the Amazon Basin.  We literally drove over the Andes mountains to get to these towns, and it seemed like the higher we got the narrower the road became!  These are one-way dirt roads with twists and turns the whole way; the driver just honked as we came around each turn to let any oncoming vehacile know that we were coming around the bend!  Totally scary but what an experience!  Pictures to follow soon...

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