Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hiking Mt. Misti

This morning we leave on a 2-day hike up to the top of Mount Misti which stands 19,000 ft. above sea level.  Day 1 we hike up to base camp which is at about 15,000 ft, then we wake up the next morning at 1:00 am to hike to the peak.  This will be our first time at this height, as Arequipa is only 7,500 ft.  Temperatures will reach 30 degrees (F) and there's snow at the top!  This is the most physically challenging adventure we have done yet, hiking for 8+ hours/day at high elevation and cold temperatures--I am excited and Dan...well...he's glad that I'm excited ;)  Yesterday we bought new hiking boots and supplies needed - we are grateful to have brought hiking poles (thanks Aunt Kris & Uncle Mike) and our new camel packs (courtesy of the team at Ramsey Real Estate Group).  And YES Mom, we will wear lots of sunscreen & bug repellent :)


Topo selection of El MIsti

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