Sunday, September 18, 2011

White Water Rafting

Today we went white water rafting on Rio Chili in Arequipa with friends.  This was our first time and so we really didn't know what to expect.  Dan & I had only ever been rafting on the American River in Sacramento which is is pretty calm in the summer, so I for one was a little nervous about hitting bigger rapids.  We wore wet suits which helped to fight the chill of the 40-50°F water.  We had 2 raft guides, 1 per boat, and divided into 2 groups (Dan & I got our own boat).  The rapids ranged from Class 2-4 throughout the trip, but even when waters were calmer there was still never a dull moment.  Our guide, Javier, was a great guide, but he kept yelling at us "Escuchme!" apparently we weren't listening to his directions ;)  At one point he called Dan a "woman" and said he needed to row harder.  Haha!  

This was a great day!

 Me, Dan, Judith & Peter
 Dan ready for action!

Rio Chili

 Dan and me with our guide, Javier.

 Dan almost falling out of the boat, probably because we weren't listing to Javier (Escuchame!)

When Javier screamed "Inside!" than we got our butts inside that boat!

This a class 4 rapid - the biggest on the the trip


Our friends' raft

At the drop

 Out to lunch after the trip-this is such a great group of people


...and brownie...

A great way to wrap up a fantastic day!


  1. Hi Whit,

    My mom has been friends with Karen Dahlbom for a very long time, and she mentioned that I should check out your blog. My boyfriend and I are also in Peru at the moment, specifically in Arequipa. I plan to stay in South America (Peru followed by Bolivia and Chile) until mid-December and would love to join up at some point if we'll be in the same place. Please shoot me a message at

    Your blog is very fun to read! Here's mine in case you're interested:

    Hope to talk to you soon!

  2. Dan really needs some one on him like that! Did you know that he had an outfit quite similar to that in high school? It was grey and purple though...

