Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mountain Biking on Mount Misti

Today we went on a mountain biking excursion with some new friends from our Spanish school.  We biked at Mount Misti, one of the 3 major mountains (and "sleeping" volcanoes) here in Arequipa.  The trail was mainly sand, dirt, and rocks along with some paved roads as well.  I have a new found respect for bikers, as I thought at one point while we were going up hill that I was going to have a heart attack!  Mountain biking is HARD but also was pretty exhilarating when the road turns and you're going top speed on the downside of a hill.  This was a great experience and hope we get another chance to do this while we're here!

Dan eating some coca leaves preparing for the ride

 Andrew our coca leaf hook up!

 Me, Birgit & Ko

 The motley crew

 Dan & Birgit

 Sheep on a roof - this is not surprising here

 Dan taking a break in the shade

Ko making his final descent

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