Saturday, September 10, 2011

Making Friends at School

We returned this week from our fabulous trip with Jen & Carlos and now we're settling back into to Arequipa life.  We finally joined the sports club here and it is awesome!  Multiple soccer fields, tennis courts, bball, archery, swimming, dance classes, a gym, track, squash, etc.  If they would let me I'd move in here!  We also have made some friends at our school and got to play a fun scrimmage the other day - we're trying to coordinate a regular game with some of the students and teachers, so we'll see if we can get this going!  There are some organized soccer teams that play at the club, but I think they're level of play might be a bit better than ours ;)  

In other news we are going on a mountain bike trek up the Chachani mountain tomorrow with our new amigos-this is going to be hard because we'll be biking up hill and the top elevation is 19,000 ft.  This will be the highest elevation we've been yet -- Arequipa is only 7,600 ft - we've been in elevations of up to 10,000 ft but never while exercising.  We'll bring coca leaves with us so if we start feeling altitude sickness we can chew on them is we start getting sick.  I'm sure we'll take lots of pics of this!

Here's some more pics of our fun adventures with J & C:

A man and his coconuts!

I made a new friend at the animal rescue reserve

Spider monkeys

This animal they names Precioso (precious) because it has a really long male appendage...lets just say that I'm glad I'm not a female of this species!

 2 guys & a turtle - no big whoop

Jen made a friend too - this one actually tried to reach into her purse with it's tail!

Cajamarca - path up to the little church
Relaxing at Gocta Falls

Me & Jen trekking down to Leimbomba

A group of young rascals goofing around

 Farm near Leimbomba


Indiana Jen

Hiking the Gocta Trail

The horses in the states have it easy!

He came, he saw, he conquered

2 of the best people I know!

Reading at the lodge - note the Peruvian lawnmower in the background


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